Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Camille's 13th Birthday Party!

These are only a couple of my friends that got in the picture haha all together I had a pretty awesome party :)

Yes, I have a fake mustache on. You jealous? haha I had such a great time at my party I owe all my thanks to my mom, and dad! Thank you guys I had such a great time!!

Those are all my friends that came to the party plus a couple more people that hadn't gotten there yet. As you can see I had a lot of people haha

Those are my amazing cupcakes. Pretty awesome huh? My mom picked them up from Fred Myer. Thanks mom!

In my garage I had super awesome decorations. I had a strobe light, a black light, smoke machine and stars hanging from the ceiling.
I will be sure to tell Madi to post some pics of her 13th but for now....

~welcome to Our World! :D

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Our First Post!

Madi and Camille here...we just started our new blog and we are soooo excited to be entertaining you guys with our interesting thoughts haha! If you keep track of our blog I am sure you will be entertained! We have had some interesting times together and we are sure we will have way more!
Hope you love our blog!
~Welcome to Our World :D